A youth, sepulchre-white and bare-chested, was borne in on the shoulders of his equally floppy haired pals.
Two male soloists spent the performance on a scaffolding tower, one had a glitter ball for company, the other the pale (and still shirtless) boy. The tenor needn't have worried as he had his time later, when the youth popped up on his tower (looking for someone to light his candle). When the soprano had to sing Rex tremendae maiestatis the single follow spot (which had been pursuing her all evening) obliged by tremulously expanding and contracting all over her. Too many excitements, really - very camp. In his madder moments Britten might have approved but I rather doubt it. More's the pity as all this pantomime distracted from the fine music, which was well played.
"tremulously expanding and contracting all over her" is a fantasic phrase, even if I don't understand it. Give me more of this prose - but please sort out the design, its getting in the way of my enjoyment ...